Hi Sweetie!
Well, I had a hard day at the bookstore. Worked my first all day shift and my back feels like poop. So let's take a stroll down memory lane to cheer us up... :-D
In July of 1990, when you were just 7 months old, we took our first family trip. We rented a cabin right outside Yosemite Valley. It was snug and cozy, with warm wooden floors, and lots of windows. The house was surrounded by tall pine trees, and the bone-dry ground was carpeted with fragrant pine needles that crunched underfoot. During the day, we took little jaunts to all of the "not-to-be-missed" sites in the valley. Each evening, after a day of adventures and exploring, I would bathe you in the large kitchen sink with lovely warm water and golden baby shampoo until you were squeaky clean. You splashed and poured water from the bright plastic nesting cups we brought from home. I remember the soothing sound of dad playing lute while we were busy at the sink a few yards away. One night, you decided it was time to crawl. This was a very exciting development! As with many children, you crawled backwards first. So there we were, in a cozy cabin, fire crackling in the hearth, and sweet little Miss Molly, crab walking backwards around and around the two worn out sofas.
I especially recall a day by the river, both of us "girls" in our swimming suits, you playing quietly with rocks and sticks in the sand, me reading some good book. After a few hours, and some yummy snacks, we both got sleepy and snuggled together on our blanket under a big rainbow umbrella. Sheer bliss.
When we went to see the Giant Sequoias, Daddy wore the baby backpack with you perched way up high. As we hiked along, you bounced happily, all three of us enjoying the enormous trees. You had such round rosy cheeks and big saucer-sized blue eyes that looked and looked and looked at the world.
You are still that baby, plus all of the other "Mollys" that have come and gone, changed and grown. You are my best girl, and you are such a joy!
I love you.