I had the flu last week. Not swine or anything, just regular terrible headache, feel-like-shit, no energy type. It lasted much longer than I thought it would, and I became sick to death of everything—yes, even my main man, Perry Mason. My head hurt so bad that every light and sound was intolerable. Two things got me through it: My new iphone and clean sheets. I admit I did not think I wanted the iphone. I don’t like change and the word “upgrade” makes me cringe, but oh-my-god. I LOVE MY iphone! It can do anything. I was able to download free books to read, listen to my itunes, watch youtube and play a vast assortment of really fun games. Yes, I can do those things on my laptop, but the phone means I could be curled up in fetal position, under covers, away from the world, and still read a new mystery. With a tiny swipe on my finger I could adjust the light emanating from the screen. Another minute touch and the page flipped in a wonderful curly motion. I could check on ebay items, visit facebook and even (hold your breath) make PHONE CALLS! But after two days in bed, surrounded by my dog and at least four cats at any given time, the bed was not so inviting, even with this god-sent wireless contraption. I took a hot shower to try and break the ache, and my sweet Baboo remade the whole bed for me. Oh the deep pleasure of clean, 400-count sheets against tired achy flesh. I slept 12 hours a day what with naps and such. Today I woke up pain free and ready to roll. The body is an amazing self-righting machine. Oh—and God Bless Apple.
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